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Penny Fanning's avatar
Penny Fanning
Premiere Group brokered by eXp Realty615 St George Square Ct, Unit 300, Winston Salem, NC 27103
Looking to buy or sell a home?

Your trusted Agent, building relationships that last.

Penny has over 18 years of experience in real estate. Her family has been in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina for Generations. With Penny, you are choosing an agent who will work hard for you to find the perfect home to meet your needs and expectations.

Penny will provide trust and devotion to make sure you are confident in her ability to support your dreams of home ownership.
She will make the process as smooth as possible to ensure you have a stress-free experience in the home-buying process.

Penny enjoys traveling, crafting and spending time with her family. Her 6 grandchildren keep her life filled with excitement.



Looking to buy or sell a home?

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Penny Fanning's avatar
Penny Fanning
Premiere Group brokered by eXp Realty

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