Your trusted Agent, building relationships that last.
As your Realtor I obviously have a passion for Real Estate but as you will soon find out there is more to me than just houses, land and professional services for you. I too, am a person and enjoy the finer things in life! I manage my time efficiently with clients so that I can also spend time with the loves of my life. The wife and kids as well as my fur babies are my reasons for wanting to always provide great service to my clients. I provide excellence in service so that my family can have quality time with me. I am a sucker for all different colors of plumerias. I have my own miniature collection of them going and can't wait for them to start to mature and bloom! Fell in love with them on a trip to Hawaii and had a taste of the island style and culture. Health and fitness is also a passion of mine as I am a certified personal trainer and a Registered Nurse that works with children. Nearly everything I have done in my professional life has been service oriented whether it be in Health Fitness or Real Estate and that is why you can rest assured you have made the right choice teaming up with me!